Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Do you want to get your hands on some highly coveted Matix Headphones?

We'll be getting our hands on very yummy Matix earphones come Jan 2010. There will be 3 models available; Bulkhead earphones, Hangover and Domepiece. The highly anticipated Diamond Supply Co x Matix Bulkhead earphones will also be in stock and there'll be assorted colors available for each model. Every model comes in very limited stock so if you want some, you gotta grab it fast!

Domepiece; Diamond Supply Co x Matix
Price: TBC

Bulkhead headphones; Rasta by Torey Pudwill
Price: TBC

Hangover; Red
Price: TBC

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

New This Week!

Oct16 Update:

There was a mistake with the pricing for tech deck ramps. Please see new revised pricing. Thank you.

Monday, 5 October 2009

New This Week!

Independent Trucks

Flip Decks

Spitfire Wheels

Thunder Trucks

Destructo Trucks

Real Decks
DGK Decks

Almost Decks

We also have new Flip deck, santa cruz deck, Indy Trucks. We'll get the pictures up soon!