Wednesday, 30 November 2011

The Work of Strength and Conditioning in Improving a Boxers Performance

Joe Hewitt, Strength and Conditioning Coach at the Sport Wales Institute, the elite performance function of Sport Wales, explains the vital role of strength and conditioning in developing the boxing stars of tomorrow.

Incorporated into a wider programme of work with the Welsh Amateur Boxing Association, I’ve spent the last few days working to identify talent and assess the levels of physical ability amongst some of Wales’ most promising boxers.
Built into an assessment camp which has seen boxers from all over Wales put through their paces, mock strength and conditioning sessions have been giving them a taster of what could become a regular part of their boxing training and routine.
Working with up to eight boxers at a time, I’ve been putting on short, simple sessions which allow me to assess their body weight exercise techniques and feedback the physical ability of each boxer to the National Coach and Performance Director.
Once boxers with that raw talent and potential have been identified it will be my job to then help them perfect and clean up their body weight techniques before introducing external loading to their sessions; the kind of work that I do with Commonwealth Games gold medallist, Sean Mcgoldrick.
Boxing is all about repeated explosive effort, effectively the length of time that a boxer can sustain a level of force and so the sessions will expose them to the level of strength that they will need for nine minutes in the ring.
We’ll introduce the type of exercise techniques typically associated with strong man competitions, so carries, drags and lifting weight to develop their structural strength. The ultimate goal is for them to be able to deal with the physical demands of their sport as well in the third round as they do in the first; to take a hit and to not be rocked by it.
We can often move on to the external loading work relatively quickly so once we’ve held next weekend’s camp in North Wales, a couple more in Cardiff and one with our female boxers, we’ll be able to start getting our future boxers into the Sport Wales National Centre and put these techniques into practice.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Blackriver products back in stock!

We don't hold reservation for blackriver products. So if you want anything, come down soon. We have very limited quantity for the bigger blackriver ramps.

Blackriver Fingerboard Ramps
-Mini Table @ $42
-Box5 @ $56
-Box6 @ $105
-Funbox @ $135
-Jay ramp @ $75
-Eurogap round rail @ $155
-Box2 Reloaded @ $46
-Mike Schneider Signature Ramp @ $145
-Street Plaza Dos @ $175 (1 piece only)

Berlinwood Fingerboard Deck @ $70
-Rollbrett Mission Game
-Sibbarp Love 02 Corner
-Asi Berlin Dimi
-BR Logo Blue
-BR Anker Blk/Gold
-BW Logo Green
-BW Logo Rasta
-Logo Wrinkler
-BR Logo Black
-Flatface BW Cyan
-Elias Assmuth @ $56

Wrinkler Fingerboard Wheels @ $67
-Blackriver Edition Black
-Blackriver Edition
-Timo Lieben Classics
-Big Daddy's White

Flatface Fingerboard Wheels @ $45
-G6 'turkis'
-Blackriver Edition
-Blackriver Edition ' Gold'

Blackriver Fingerboard Trucks @ $100 a set
-Mellow Yellow
-Mean Green
-Super SIlver
-Rad Red
-Bright White
-Jack black
-True Blue

Sarah's Kenya blog - day 2

Jambo (as they say in Kenyan Swahili) or hi…..
Day 2 started with Breakfast at 7.30am and just a plate of fruit for me!
8am we met Mary from the British Council in Kenya who took us to meet her colleagues in the British Council offices just down the road from our Hotel. Lots of London 2012 posters and banners on display!!
After a meeting with British Council staff  to finalise the programme it was a short walk across to The Upper Hill School to meet the delegates on the training. The Upper Hills school is a Government funded school that happens to be a boarding school in the business district of Nairobi (which does have boarders – whom are on school holidays at the moment, however staff are in marking exams!!)
At 10am we started to meet the 25 course delegates who were more than welcoming. At 11am we started the course (having had to adapt our plan straight away as our equipment was “STILL” in customs.
Our day covered, “getting to know you and what you’d like from the training sessions” which I led, followed by how to organise leagues, festivals and competitions. We then covered a session on the Cardiff City Supporters Trust followed by a football match!
The football match was amazing! We played on a VERY VERY wet, boggy and marshland rugby pitch (with no cones or equipment available to mark out a playing area) and no bibs available to determine the teams. It was soon sorted out that those in black and blue shirts would play those in bright colours. A lady delegate on the course - who happens to be a referee - took to the field, donning a lovely pink skirt. She managed the game very well – even if she did call me off side a number of times!
The match was hilarious, especially as people hadn’t brought practical kit or clothing so were playing in their trousers and shoes! It was like playing on a skating rink, so slippy and slidy. It really was just what was needed after a heavy day in the classroom! The mud wouldn’t even come off with a good scrub in the shower!
It’s been a good day, the delegates on the course are very welcoming and engaging and it really does feel like I have known them for more than a day already! I am looking forward to tomorrow.
It’s now 11pm so I am off to bed ready for my 7am breakfast and our meeting with one of the Ministry departments tomorrow at 8am.


Blog by Sport Wales' Sarah Roberts...
Countdown = 1 day to go:
When our Chief Executive Huw Jones initially sent round the email late in September asking if any staff would be interested in supporting the British Council on a project in Kenya, I immediately jumped at the chance and put my name forward. A week later I was asked by Huw if “I had a minute? And could I see him in his office?” after my initial fear of “oh my god, what have I done wrong!” I walked out chuffed that I’d been given such an opportunity to embark on.
Now with only 1 day to go, I am both excited and apprehensive and desperately trying to sort out what clothes to take!! Typical girl thing I know!! Who will we be meeting? What will the weather be like? Will we join in with any sporting activity? Do I need to be smart and formal or relaxed and casual? Oh the dilemma!
Whilst in Nairobi, we will launch a “Football for All” project which has been developed by the British Council in partnership with Cardiff City Supporters Trust and is supported by the Welsh Football Trust, Urdd Gobaith Cymru, Cardiff City Football in the Community & Sport Wales.
The partnership is looking to achieve:
·         A more cohesive, peaceful Kenya that will in turn translate to improved quality of life for communities involved
·         Greater appreciation of sustainable development and interdependency of people and communities
·         Increased power and decision making in the hands of the people
·         And gender mainstreaming from grass roots levels.
All of which are fairly similar to what we are also trying to achieve in Wales!
The partners involved in the programme are:
·         British Council – (organising party) creating international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries.
·         Kenyan National Steering Committee – with a mandate to co-ordinate all peace initiatives in the country and across borders.
·         Kenyan National Cohesion & integration Commission who promote the elimination of all forms of discrimination and promote tolerance and understanding amongst Kenyans.
·         Kenyan Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport who work on Youth empowerment and engagement.
·         Grassroots community based organisations – Active Citizen Programme.
There are 21 delegates that will be taking part in the week-long programme (7 female and 14 male) with ages ranging from 21 to 48, and roles ranging from Community Volunteers, sports liaison officers, Civic Educators, Community mobilizers / peace builders,  football coaches and referees.
Central to the success of the project will be training young Kenyans in how to communicate with their own communities and how to influence local and national authorities to ensure sustainable, positive change, eventually establishing their first youth Parliament in Kenya, thus making their voice heard in decision making not just locally but on a country wide level. I am sure they will be very interested in the work that we are doing with Young Ambassadors in Wales.


Sunday, 27 November 2011

Sport Wales pay tribute to Gary Speed

Professor Laura McAllister, Chair of Sport Wales, Welsh Football Trust Board Member and former Wales Women's international, has today paid tribute to Gary Speed:
"Everyone at Sport Wales' thoughts are with Gary's family and friends at this hugely difficult time. Gary was a truly fantastic role model for everyone in the world of football.

"The way he conducted himself as a player, coach and most recently as national manager was exemplary. His recent success as Wales manager was complemented by a unique commitment to developing the game at all levels, from grassroots to the national team, ensuring that football was truly a game for everyone.

We are deeply saddened by the news today and know he will be missed by everyone involved in sport in Wales."

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Yn ogystal รข’m balchder amlwg i wrth wylio athletwyr Cymru a’n timau cenedlaethol ni’n cipio medalau a thlysau, gweld mwy o bobl yn cymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon ac yn dysgu am waith ysbrydoledig ein hyfforddwyr a’n gwirfoddolwyr ni yw un o fy hoff agweddau i ar fy rรดl i yn Chwaraeon Cymru.
Yng Ngwobrau Hyfforddwr y Flwyddyn Chwaraeon Cymru yng Nghaerdydd yn ddiweddar, cafwyd cyfle gwych i gyfarfod rhai unigolion eithriadol nodedig. Dyma’r bobl y mae eu gwaith nhw’n golygu ein bod ni’n gallu cynnig i blant eu blas cyntaf ar chwaraeon, bob cam drwodd hyd at roi sglein ar berfformiadau’r athletwyr hynny a fydd yn ennill medalau ym mhencampwriaethau’r byd.
O bob cefndir mewn bywyd ac o bob cornel yng Nghymru, dyma’r bobl i’w dilyn a’u hefelychu.
Y llynedd, addawodd Chwaraeon Cymru, ochr yn ochr รข’n partneriaid ni, i ddyblu nifer yr hyfforddwyr a’r gwirfoddolwyr yng Nghymru, o tua 110,000 i tua 250,000 erbyn 2016 – tua 10% o’r boblogaeth. Mae’n darged hynod uchel ond yn un y gallwn ni ei gyrraedd yn fy marn i fel rhan o’n Gweledigaeth gyfan ni ar gyfer Chwaraeon. Mae ein gwaith ymchwil ni’n dangos bod 9% o oedolion yn dymuno gwirfoddoli’n amlach, felly mae’r ewyllys yn bodoli.
Fodd bynnag, rydw i’n teimlo bod y cynnydd wedi bod yn araf hyd yma. Mae’n rhaid i’r sector chwaraeon – ac rydw i’n cynnwys Chwaraeon Cymru yn y sector – godi ei gรชm yn sylweddol.                 
Mae’n rhaid i’r dystiolaeth am y cynnydd sydd wedi’i wneud drwy waith yn cynyddu’r fyddin o wirfoddolwyr ddod yn amlycach yn awr. Nid ydym yn gweld datblygu hyfforddwyr a’r gweithlu chwaraeon yn cael y flaenoriaeth maent yn ei haeddu yn y sector ac mae hynny’n golygu y byddwn ni’n cael ein dal yn รดl gyda’n Gweledigaeth ar gyfer Chwaraeon.
Fel un enghraifft, mae nifer yr hyfforddwyr gweithredol yn ein cyrff rheoli cenedlaethol ni wedi cynyddu o 14,604 i 16,397 yn ystod y flwydddyn rhwng 2010 a 2011 – cynnydd o 12%. Os ydym ni am gynnal y lefel honno o gynnydd dros gyfnod o bum mlynedd, byddai hynny’n golygu ein bod ni’ sicrhau cynnydd o 60-65%, yn hytrach na’r cynnydd o 100% rydym ni wedi bod yn chwilio amdano. Wrth gwrs, nid dim ond ffigurau sy’n bwysig, ond hefyd y math o hyfforddwyr a’r lefel o hyfforddwyr rydym ni eu hangen, a ble maent yn cael eu defnyddio. Mae’n rhaid wrth ansawdd yn ogystal รข niferoedd, ond hoffwn gadarnhau fy nyhead i i’n gweld ni’n sicrhau cynnydd yn gynt.       
Gyda Llundain 2012 a Glasgow 2014 ar y gorwel, a hefyd Pencampwriaethau Athletau’r Byd sydd i’w cynnal yn Llundain yn 2017 yn dilyn cyhoeddiad diweddar, bydd plant a phobl ifanc yn arbennig yn dymuno efelychu eu harwyr yn y byd chwaraeon. Wedi perfformiad ardderchog Dai Greene ym Mhencampwriaethau Athletau’r Byd yr haf hwn, pan gipiodd fedal aur, derbyniodd ei glwb, sef clwb Harriers Abertawe, lawer o geisiadau gan ieuenctid a oedd yn dymuno dilyn yn รดl ei droed ar y trac, ac ymuno รข’r clwb.
Fy her i i’r chwaraewyr allweddol yn y byd chwaraeon yng Nghymru yw, ydym ni’n barod i fanteisio ar y diddordeb hwn?
Rydym ni i gyd yn gwybod ein bod ni angen byddin o hyfforddwyr a gwirfoddolwyr sy’n fodlon gwneud yn siลตr bod y profiadau cyntaf a gaiff plant mewn chwaraeon yn rhai cadarnhaol a hwyliog. Mae’n rhaid i ni ddechrau recriwtio nawr.
Mae llwybr taith gyfnewid y Fflam Olympaidd wedi cael ei gyhoeddi yn ddiweddar ac roeddwn i’n hynod falch o weld Cymru’n cael lle amlwg ar y llwybr, gan gynnwys taith i gopa’r Wyddfa.    
Rydw i wrth fy modd yn cael clywed am y gwahanol ddigwyddiadau cymunedol a fydd yn cael eu cynnal wrth i’r fflam deithio ar hyd a lled y wlad. Mae’n rhaid i ni i gyd gofio bod y cyfle i ddefnyddio grym yr achlysur hwn i annog mwy o bobl ifanc i gymryd rhan mewn chwaraeon yn gyfle y mae’n rhaid i bob un ohonom ni fanteisio arno.
Ceir sawl ffordd i bobl gymryd rhan ond, mewn nifer o achosion, mae’n rhaid i ni weithredu’n gynt yn hytrach nag yn hwyrach er mwyn osgoi cael ein gadael ar รดl. Er enghraifft, mae gan ysgolion hyd at Ragfyr 16eg i ymuno รข Rhwydwaith Get Set – rhaglen addysgol swyddogol Llundain 2012. Drwy ymuno, gall ysgolion Cymru warantu cyfran o docynnau Olympaidd a Pharalympaidd i’w disgyblion.       
Er hynny, mae’n fy mhryderu i mai dim ond ychydig dros 10% o ysgolion Cymru sydd wedi cofrestru’n llawn gyda’r cynllun hwn (ffigur o ddechrau mis Tachwedd). Mae hyn yn golygu y bydd llawer o’n plant ysgol ni’n colli cyfle gwych, gyda thocynnau’n cael eu rhannu ar hyd a lled y DU. Bydd disgybl o Loegr, yr Alban neu Ogledd Iwerddon yn gwylio digwyddiad yn fyw pan allai’r disgybl hwnnw fod wedi dod o ysgol yng Nghymru. 
Ni allwn ni adael i’r cyfle hwn fynd heibio heb grybwyll perfformiad ffantastig ein tรฎm rygbi ni yng Nghwpan Rygbi’r Undeb y Byd. Cododd Warren Gatland a’i chwaraewyr a’i staff galonnau’r genedl gyfan, gan brofi bod gwaith caled ac ymroddiad yn talu ar ei ganfed.         
Dyma enghraifft eto o Gymru’n rhagori ar wledydd llawer mwy i ddangos ein bod ni’n genedl chwaraeon sy’n gallu cystadlu ar y lefel uchaf un.
Pan rydych chi’n gweld 60,000 o bobl yn Stadiwm y Mileniwm am 8.30am ar fore Sadwrn i wylio rygbi ar sgrin fawr, ni all unrhyw un ddadlau nad yw chwaraeon yn gyfrwng pwerus.
Roeddwn i’n ddigon ffodus i weld rhai o Bencampwriaethau Boccia PF a gynhaliwyd yn y Ganolfan Genedlaethol yng Nghaerdydd ychydig wythnosau yn รดl. Daeth 36 o chwaraewyr gorau’r DU at ei gilydd yng Nghaerdydd i herio ei gilydd ar gyfer y teitl pwysig – Pencampwr PF.
Yn y grลตp BC2, enillodd Andrew Williams o’r Wyddgrug yng Ngogledd Cymru, yr aur gyda buddugoliaeth o 4-3 yn y rownd derfynol. Yn y dosbarth BC3, cipiodd Jacob Thomas o Sir Benfro fuddugoliaeth arall i Gymru ac enillodd Rhodri Tudor o Abertawe fedal efydd yn y gystadleuaeth BC1. Cyflawniadau ffantastig a oedd yn glod iddyn nhw eu hunain ac i bawb sydd wedi eu helpu i gyrraedd y lefel hon. Rydw i’n edrych ymlaen yn fawr at eu gweld yn cyflawni mwy.
Yn fwy diweddar, sicrhaodd Andrew Selby a Fred Evans le yn y tรฎm bocsio ar gyfer Llundain 2012 – ac mae cael dau focsiwr mewn tรฎm Olympaidd yn orchest gyntaf arall i Gymru.                                   
Wrth i’r cloc sy’n cyfrif i lawr at Glasgow 2014 symud o dan 1000 o ddyddiau tan y Gemau yn ddiweddar, cefais fy atgoffa o’r targedau a’r dyheadau rydym ni wedi’u pennu ar gyfer chwaraeon yng Nghymru.
Ni fyddaf yn gadael i ni wyro oddi wrth ein Gweledigaeth i gael pob plentyn wedi gwirioni ar chwaraeon am oes a chreu cenedl o bencampwyr. Mae’n rhaid i ni ddal ati i geisio codi ein gรชm, rhoi cynnig ar ddulliau newydd o weithio a chanolbwyntio ar yr hyn sydd raid i ni ei wneud er mwyn bod yn llwyddiannus.
Yr Athro Laura McAllister
Cadeirydd, Chwaraeon Cymru 

The latest look at Welsh sport

In our latest blog spot Sport Wales Chair, Professor Laura McAllister reflects on recent Welsh sporting success and highlights the need to get more coaches and volunteers at all levels.

As well as my obvious pride in seeing Welsh athletes and our national teams pick up medals and trophies, seeing more people take part in sport and learning about the inspirational work of our coaches and volunteers is one of my favourite parts of my role at Sport Wales.
At the recent Sport Wales Coach of the Year Awards in Cardiff, it was a great chance to meet some truly outstanding individuals. They are the people whose work means we can offer young kids their first taste of sport, right the way up to polishing the performances of those athletes who will win medals at world championships.
From all walks of life and every corner of Wales, they are the people to follow and emulate.
Last year Sport Wales, along with our partners, committed to doubling the number of coaches and volunteers in Wales, from around 110,000 to around 250,000 by 2016 – around 10% of the population. It is a hugely aspirational target but one I believe we can meet as part of our whole Vision for Sport. Our research shows that 9% of adults would like to volunteer more often, so the will is there.
However, I feel that progress has been too slow to date. The sporting sector – and I include Sport Wales in that – must up its game considerably.
Evidence of the progress made through work to increase the volunteer base now needs to become more prominent. We are not seeing development of coaches and the sporting workforce being given the priority it deserves in the sector and that means we will be held back in our Vision for Sport.
As an example, the number of active coaches in our national governing bodies increased from 14,604 to 16,397 in the year from 2010 to 2011 – an increase of 12%. If we maintain that level of increase over five years the progress would put us at about 60-65%, rather than the 100% increase we are looking for. Of course, it is not just about numbers but about the type and level of coaches we need and where they are deployed. It is quality as well as quantity, but I reinforce my desire for us to progress at pace.
With London 2012, Glasgow 2014 and the recently announced World Athletics Championships in London in 2017 just over the horizon, children and young people especially will want to copy their sporting heroes. Following Dai Greene’s magnificent performance and gold medal in the World Athletics Championships this summer, his Swansea Harriers club received lots of requests from youngsters wanting to follow in his footsteps on the track and join up.
My challenge to the key players in Welsh sport is, are we ready to capture this interest?
We all know we need an army of willing coaches and volunteers to make sure that children’s first experiences of sport is a positive, fun one. We need to start recruiting now.
The London 2012 torch relay route has recently been announced and I’m pleased to see that Wales features so prominently, including a trip to the top of Snowdon.
I’ve been delighted to hear about the different community events that will be held as the torch travels through the country. We must all bear in mind that the opportunity to use the power of this event to encourage more young people to get involved in sport is one we must grasp.
There are numerous ways in which people can get involved, but in many cases we have to act sooner rather than later to avoid being left behind. For example, schools have until December 16th to join-up to the Get Set Network – the official education programme for London 2012. By joining up, Welsh schools can guarantee a share of Olympic and Paralympic tickets for their pupils.
However, it concerns me that only just over 10% of schools in Wales are fully signed up to this scheme (figure from early November). This means our schoolchildren will miss out, with tickets being shared out across the UK. A pupil from England, Scotland or Northern Ireland will be watching an event live when it could have been someone from a Welsh school.
I could not let this opportunity go by without mentioning the fantastic performance of our team at the Rugby Union World Cup. Warren Gatland and his players and staff gave the nation such a lift and proved that hard work and dedication can bring rewards.
Wales again outmuscling much larger nations to show we are a sporting nation that can compete at the very top level.
When you see 60,000 people in the Millennium Stadium at 8.30 on a Saturday morning to watch rugby on a big screen, no-one can dispute the impact of sport.
I was lucky enough to see some of the GB Boccia Championships held at the National Centre in Cardiff a few weeks back. 36 of the best players in the UK converged on Cardiff to take each other on for the ultimate title – GB Champion.
In the BC2 group, Andrew Williams from Mold, North Wales, took gold with a 4-3 final win. In the BC3 class, Jacob Thomas from Pembrokeshire grabbed another Welsh win, while Swansea’s Rhodri Tudor took a bronze in the BC1 event. Fantastic achievements and a credit to them and all those who have helped get them to this level. I look forward to seeing more of their achievements.
Most recently, Andrew Selby and Fred Evans secured places on the boxing team for London 2012 – two fighters on an Olympic team being another first for Wales.
As the countdown clock to Glasgow 2014 ticked under 1000 days to go, it reminded me of the targets and aspirations we have set for sport in Wales.
I will not let us slip from our Vision to get every child hooked on sport for life and create a nation of champions. We must continually look to up our game, try new approaches and focus on what we need to do to be successful.
Cofion cynnes,

Friday, 18 November 2011

New This Week!

We'll get the images of the fallen shoes up soon, meanwhile, you can check them out at their respective stores.

Fallen shoes @ Redhill
-Forte (obsid/red) @ $129
-Bomber (blk/green) @ $119
-Clipper (blk/wht) @ $129
-Clipper (Skateistan) @ $129
-The Easy shoe (blk/rainbow) @ $129
-Mission (Blk/Denim) @ $129

Fallen shoes @ *SCAPE
-Forte (blk/silver/blue) @ $129
-Slash (obsid/cyan) @ $139
-Bomber (blk ops) @ $119
-Clipper (blk/grey/royal) @ $129
-The Easy ( dk green/red) @ $129
-Victory (blk/red) @ $129
-Rookie (blk/wht) @ $139

Fallen shoes @ OG
-Slash (blk/taffy) @ $139
-Corsair (Blk/red2) @ $139
-Bomber (blk/wht2) @ $119
-Clipper (blk/lime) @ $129
-Rookie (charcoal/purple) $139
-Mission (blk/gum) @ $139

Monday, 14 November 2011

Schools should sign up, says Olympic medallist

Two-times Olympic medallist, swimmer David Davies, explains why he thinks schools should sign up to the Get Set network:
I’ve had two amazing experiences of Olympic Games. I competed well, was successful and managing to bring home medals. The best thing for me was standing on the medal rostrum and realising that all the hard work had paid off and I’ve got something to show for it.
David Davies greets crowds in Wales after winning a silver medal at the Beijing Olympics.

It’s two weeks of everything you wanted to do and what you trained for.
If schools are able to tap into just 1% of the feeling that I had as I stood on that podium – then it’s all worth it.

Get Set – the official London 2012 education programme for schools, colleges and local authority education providers – gives schools the chance to get involved!

Sport is a fantastic thing for young people to develop not only sporting aspirations but people skills as well. Sport definitely develops you as a person. Get Set can encourage kids to adopt healthy, active lifestyles and to do something with their lives.
I remember watching the 1992 Olympics. I wasn’t even watching the swimming, I saw Linford Christie win his 100m and Sally Gunnell win the 400m hurdles. And that – for me – was a massive deal. I thought , ‘I want to do sport.’ I wasn’t thinking of competing in an Olympics but it propelled me to want to give it a good go.
If kids are going to be watching it next year, role models will be built over night – especially as it’s a home Games. We’ll host fantastic sporting events on our doorstep and thousands and thousands of kids might want to give it a go. And even if they don’t make it to the Olympics, it can still develop you as a person – not just as a sportsperson.
The Get Set programme is providing opportunities to have visits from athletes and London 2012 mascots. I remember Ben Evans the rugby player coming to my school and I loved it! If you have children who don’t have sporty families or who don’t see much sport at home, this might be the only chance they get to see role models.
Signing up to Get Set will mean that you find out more about the Olympic and Paralympic values (respect, excellence, friendship, courage, determination, inspiration and equality).
Get Set is built around this and provides children with the chance to prove that they too can reflect the values in everyday life.
And, if you’re part of Get Set, you might even get a share of tickets for your school! If you’re going along, make sure you take lots of Welsh flags with you – it’s really motivating to see lots of home support in the stands!
Wales' Olympians arrive home in Wales

So if you’re a teacher, please, please think about signing your school up to the Network. If you’re a student or parent – ask if your school has signed up. If not, why not? There’s nothing to lose! Do it today here...

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

New This Week!

D'ya Know What I Mean?

This blog has recognised the established well of words and phrases that everyone in football, from the top of the football pyramid to the bottom, draws from to express themselves. Many of these phrases originate in football, and the odd one has even crept into general usage outside of the game's bubble.

However, there seems to be an elite group of words and phrases - which are used consistently by football figures- that have been uprooted from their historically mainstream context, never to return. These phrases are now very rarely used in "real life", and have been well entrenched in the football lexicon, but still look far too sophisticated for the (relative) morons that are using them. Would the club chairman of a lower-echelon feeder club really be able to define the word "derisory" if it hadn't been commandeered for the purposes of publicly pouring scorn on a transfer bid from one of the big boys? Of course not - the club's owner has seen "derisory" used thousands of times before by equally unknowing supremos.

These phrases cover every nook and cranny of the sport. We have previously documented the glorious variety of verbs for shooting at goal, the majority of which seem to be nearly obsolete elsewhere in society. When did rifle become a verb, for example?

Goalkeepers often elect to punch - when did you last elect to go to the pub? Custodians between the posts are often grateful to their stalwart centre-half for marshalling their obdurate defence. At the other end of the pitch, profligate strikers can squander gilt-edged chances, their embarrassment only spared by the linesman's flag should they have been adjudged offside.

More successful attackers take advantage of slide-rule passes from midfield schemers, cutting a swathe through the opposition defence, and finishing with aplomb (or, perhaps, an impudent chip). Seriously, what else on the planet has ever been done with aplomb? Every football fan knows what aplomb means in their world but they daren't use it at work, as it would sound ridiculous.

You know when a defender keeps an attacker at arm's length while the ball trickles over for a goal-kick? That's shepherding that is. Apologies to anyone reading this who is, or knows, a shepherd, but you're unlikely to encounter anyone doing any genuine shepherding. Ever had anything rescinded, other than a harsh red card? Ever lambasted someone for being lacksadaisical at work, only to see them turn on a sixpence and maraud out of the door? No.

When football has failed in its attempt to lay claim to non-football phrases, it simply corrupts them and makes off with awkward counterfeit versions. "Champing at the bit" has been warped by visibly confused footballers into "chomping on the bit". No-one seems to know if it's "stomping ground" or "stamping ground", either.

If you have any to add, comment below or tweet me at @FootballCliches - I'm feeling lacksadaisical.

Wales Young Ambassador Conference 2011

Friday 4 November 2011 marked the date of Wales’ second annual Young Ambassador Conference. Held at the Swalec Stadium in Cardiff, the purpose of the event was to induct Wales’ new Gold Young Ambassadors and provide them with the necessary training needed to empower them to be effective in their new roles, both in their schools and local communities.
5x60 officers, teachers and Local Authority representatives also attended the event to support their Young Ambassadors, whilst special guests included Chair of the Youth Sport Trust Baroness Sue Campbell MBE and athletes Geraint Thomas MBE, Michaela Breeze MBE, Alex Danson and Clare Strange. (Watch the video)
Steve Thomas, Chair of the all-Wales Young Ambassadors Steering Group, talks us through it:

Personally, the day started particularly early! Picked up at 7:20am from outside the Sport Wales National Centre, I was whisked off to the BBC Wales studios, with Michaela Breeze, to conduct a radio interview on the ‘Good Morning Wales’ breakfast show.

With the discussion topics being Young Ambassadors and London 2012, it was the ideal opportunity to raise the profile of the YA programme and to promote all of the good work that has been going on in Wales. Later on in the day, other steering group members did likewise by conducting TV interviews with S4C, BBC and ITV Wales.
After a quick breakfast, it was off to registration at the SWALEC Stadium. After a brief ‘meet and greet’ with YST and Sport Wales staff, and a check of the itinerary for the day, each YA got their hands on the new Adidas gold YA kit, something that everyone seemed particularly pleased with! Once everyone had arrived, and was kitted out, everyone gathered in the conference room ready for the opening ceremony.

The opening ceremony set the tone for what was a fantastic day. Opening the conference was steering group member, Ainsley Richards, who inspired everyone with her uplifting and enthusiastic speech and shouts of ‘OGI OGI OGI’, which everyone responded to!

Then it was left to Sue Campbell, who conducted an excellent and insightful interview with Olympic Gold medallist Geraint Thomas, questioning him on his career highlights and aspirations for London 2012. Upon completion of the opening ceremony, the Gold Ambassadors were put into groups and sent off to their respective workshops, with the adults remaining seated in the conference room for their workshops.
The Gold YA workshops were delivered by the YST athlete mentors, who took great care in ensuring that each Gold YA knew their role and responsibilities in order for them to make a positive impact as a YA in their schools and local communities. The adult workshops consisted of sharing good practice, raising awareness of important issues, like Get Set, and generating group discussions which were lead by myself, Emyr, Ian Cawley (YA Development Manager) and Richard Dando (Sport Wales).
After dinner and upon completion of the second round of workshops, the day was drawing to a close. The YA’s were left to brainstorm and action plan their next steps with their 5x60 officers and teachers, which proved highly productive with some good ideas being formed. Around 3:45pm everyone gathered back in the conference room, ready to be entertained! The gold YA’s were tasked with putting a streetcheer dance together in their workshops that represented the Olympic Values.

Needless to say, the quality, innovation and comedy value in each dance was incredible, even the boys were getting stuck in and waving their pompoms around! This made it a difficult decision for the judging panel to decide a winner, but after strong deliberation, they selected team Sydney - made up of YA’s from Flintshire, Wrexham and Denbighshire - as the winning team. They will now go on to represent Wales and compete at the national streetcheer championships!
After the excitement of the dance competition, everyone took to their seats and it was left to Emyr to conduct the closing ceremony. He outlined the opportunities, benefits and experience he had gained from being a YA and the importance that everyone had in the room to promote London 2012 and its values, increase sports participation and to ‘Get on Get Set!’. Then it was left to thank everyone for their attendance and efforts throughout the day, and to invite Richard Dando to the stage to accept an award from the steering group; a London 2012 mug, which I managed to pick up on a recent tour of the Olympic Park.
Richard should take huge credit for the work he has done towards the YA movement in Wales, without him this event wouldn’t even have occurred. He has driven the movement forward, established the national steering group, provided YAs with once in a lifetime opportunities and more than anything been a good friend and close ally in supporting everyone in their roles as a YA. On behalf of the steering group and YAs across Wales: THANK YOU MR DANDO!
Finally, as Chair, my key messages to take away from the conference are these:
  • Start putting some of the ideas you developed at the conference in to action. Work with your fellow YAs, teachers, 5x60 officers and LA contacts to plan and action your ideas.
  • Keep updating the facebook pages and twitter feeds to share good practice and let everyone know of what impact you are making in your county. Check out the YA Britain facebook/twitter pages and go on the YST website where you can download resources and monthly newsletters to stay up to date on all the latest YA news.
  • Sign up to Get Set and the Get Set Network programmes and other initiatives such as Lloyds TSB National School Sports Week and Sky Sports Living for Sport to access the resources you need to help you promote London 2012 in your school and local communities.
  • Nominate yourself or a fellow Young Ambassador to become a torchbearer for London 2012 by visiting the Lloyds TSB, Coca Cola and Samsung websites.
Overall, I hope you have enjoyed the conference and I hope you got as much out of the day as I did.
Keep YA-ing!
Best Regards,

Steve Thomas
Chair of Wales’ Young Ambassador Steering Group