Thursday, 15 March 2012


Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week 2012
Top 10 Ideas  to Stage YOUR Games

The Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week is taking place between Monday June 25th to Friday June 29th 2012 and schools across Wales are being encouraged to register at

In 2011, 560 primary and secondary schools across Wales registered for NSSW which equated to approximately 170,000 pupils who were exposed to sport during the week.  This goes a long way to helping the sports sector achieve the vision of getting every child hooked on sport for life so Sport Wales and partners are hopeful more schools will sign up in 2012, especially as it is Olympic and Paralympic year!

Once schools have registered they will receive resources and case studies to help them plan their NSSW event under the theme ‘Stage Your Games’.  To get schools started here are our top 10 tips to Stage Your Games.....

1.       London 2012 World Sport Day – kickstart your Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week with London 2012 World Sport Day, on Monday 25 June. It is a great way to celebrate the sport and culture of the competing Olympic and Paralympic teams, and to welcome the world to the UK. This could involve other subject departments such as music, dance and art to you help create an inspirational opening ceremony – registered schools will receive London 2012 World Sport Day resources to support them.

2.       Become a Flame Follower – the Olympic Flame spreads a message of peace, unity and friendship. Lloyds TSB has created eight fantastic lessons to get your pupils excited about the Olympic Torch Relay. Each lesson plan is linked to a range of subjects to help pupils explore and learn about the Olympic Torch Relay. Registered schools can visit to access these resources.

3.       Make a pledge – encourage pupils to make a pledge. This could be to try something new, do more sport, volunteer, officiate or could have a behavioural focus. Many schools which have done this in the past have seen improvements in pupil behaviour. You could create a school pledge, perhaps incorporating the Olympic and Paralympic Values, giving the pupils ownership and responsibility to promote and commit to them.

4.       Link with local sports clubs – invite clubs into the school to showcase their sport, take coaching sessions and discuss opportunities in the local area. Try to feature sports that are inclusive, new to young people, aligned to the different cultures in your school and fun!

5.       Incorporate the whole school – 95% of teachers that used Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week themes in English, ICT and Maths said they had successfully enhanced student learning. Other subjects can also be used to enrich the learning for pupils; such as Geography, Business Studies, History and Languages.

6.       Hold a Paralympic day – The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and Get Set, the official education programme for London 2012, offers a number of resources, ideas and opportunities to help you plan a successful and inspirational Paralympic Day.

a.       Visit the IPC website -
b.      Visit the Get Set website -

7.       Transition day – schools have used Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week as a transition week, inviting local primary schools into the secondary school for a day of sport. These events offer invaluable opportunities for young people to familiarise themselves with their new school surroundings and meet new friends before the start of the school year. Schools can offer pupils the chance to try Olympic and Paralympic sports and to meet young leaders within the school.

8.       Volunteers – Volunteering is an integral part of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Many schools already have a huge number of young volunteers who are often at the heart of the most successful Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week events. Volunteers could help shape the week by planning the activity, supporting on the day, officiating, reporting, photography, co-ordinate opening and closing ceremonies and so on.

9.       Celebrate – hold a closing ceremony at the end of Lloyds TSB National School Sport Week to celebrate the success and achievements of your pupils throughout the week. You could use certificates to congratulate pupils on exceptional behaviour linked to the Olympic and Paralympic Values or for their participation.

Olympic and Paralympic Values – registered schools can visit to access videos of athletes discussing the Values. You can use these as part of an assembly or discussion groups within lesions.

We hope this helps you get involved! Remember to let us know how you get on and tweet us any updates and pictures to @sport_wales. Pob Lwc!

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