Friday, 8 June 2012


Every day this week, Sport Wales has been on hand with top tips to encourage you to get active with your family…
London 2012 is just around the corner and while you might not fancy yourself as the next sporting great, there’s no better time to be inspired to get involved.

41.       Organise your own family Opening and Closing Ceremony dance routines - all that fancy footwork will burn off some energy and stop the kids getting bored in the school holidays.

42.       And talking of Opening and Closing Ceremonies, get younger children and their friends together to make flags and march around the garden or park. They can each adopt a nation.

43.       Make a big medal table and display it in the house. Update the results for everyone involved in your sporty challenges to keep everyone motivated

44.       Hula hoops are often overlooked. But they’re cheap, fun to use and there’s so much you can do with them. From seeing how long they can keep it going round their waist, to rolling and catching it before it falls, skipping with it, to throwing it. rab a hoop and join in!

45.       It’s important to showcase that sport is for all, no matter what challenges you face. Encourage your children to watch the Paralympics and they are sure to be inspired! For more information on opportunities for the disabled, contact the friendly folk at Disability Sport Wales.

46.        Haven’t got tickets for the Games? Then opt for sporting events in Wales like the Welsh Athletics International on July 18th at Cardiff International Sport Stadium.

47.       Wales has a strong history of producing first class sprinters like Christian Malcolm. So celebrate by inviting the neighbours over and running relay races.

48.       Dig out and dust off the rollerblades – they provide a great workout!

49.       For the first time ever, Wales is sending two boxers to the Olympics – try out boxercise in the garden. You’ll soon all be burning the calories!

50.   Or maybe you prefer to get your kicks out of judo? Find your nearest club here

And remember to look out for Come and Try sport sessions within your local authority or why not go along to your local sports club. For more information, just contact the sport of your choice!

Remember to check out our other blogs this week for all 50 tips!

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