Julie Rotchell is the Sport Wales manager with a remit for Skills for a Life in Sport, looking at the development of children and young people.
Here she’s explains where the new Dragon Multi-Skills and Sport resource fits into the sporting development of Welsh youngsters.
The launch of our new Dragon Multi-Skills resource and training is the final piece in the jigsaw of resources produced by Sport Wales. This resource is the follow on to our highly rated ‘Play to learn resource’ which develops the physical skills of our children from the age of three.
The methods advocated in both of these resources are about individualised learning making sure that each and every child’s needs are met and children progress and develop their fundamental movement skills in a fun and progressive way.
The resources and training are designed to encourage parents, teachers, coaches and volunteers to get involved. All resources are accessible from our online shop www.sportwales.org.uk/shop and parents play to learn website; www.playtolearn.org.uk . Training is being coordinated locally through sports development teams.
So how does this new resource fit in with everything else that Sport Wales has produced so far in order to make sure that every child has the opportunity to develop their skills for a life in sport?
This diagram above illustrates how everything fits together and how the packages can be utilised in different environments.
At Sport Wales our ambition is to get every child hooked on sport for life. In order for us to meet this ambition it is essential that every child has the opportunity to develop their physical skills. This new resource will provide the opportunity for young people to do this in a fun way that is relevant for every child. It is the stepping stone into developing sport specific skills. Our dragon package now involves Dragon Multi skills and Dragon sport.
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